Dog accessories
A fun, quirky and vibrant collection whereby your pooch and you can wear matching accessories!
Dog collar - Organic cotton Vintage green £10.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Green dogtooth £10.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Red Dogtooth £10.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Blue flower £10.00
Dog bandana - Vintage green £8.00
Dog bandana - Dogtooth green £8.00
Dog bandana - Dogtooth Red £8.00
Dog bandana - Blue flower £8.00
Dog lead - Pink flower £12.00
Dog lead - Green dogtooth £12.00
Dog lead - Dog lead red dogtooth £12.00
Dog lead - Blue flower £12.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Blue dogtooth £10.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Pink flower £10.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Mustard loveheart £10.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Vintage red £10.00
Dog bandana - Blue dogtooth £8.00
Dog bandana - Pink flower £8.00
Dog bandana - Vintage red £8.00
Dog bandana - Mustard loveheart £8.00
Dog lead - Blue dogtooth £12.00
Dog lead - Dog lead Pink flower £12.00
Dog lead - Vintage Red £12.00
Dog lead - Mustard Loveheart £12.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Black loveheart £10.00
Dog collar - Organic cotton Blue vintage £10.00
Dog collar - B&W Dogtooth £10.00
Dog collar - Velvet Red
Dog bandana - Black loveheart £8.00
Dog bandana - Vintage blue £8.00
Dog bandana - B&W dogtooth £8.00
Dog bandana - Red velvet £7.00
Dog lead - Black Loveheart £12.00
Dog lead - Vintage blue £12.00
Dog lead - B&W dogtooth £12.00
Dog lead - Red velvet £10.00
Dog collar Velvet - Blue
Dog collar - Velvet Mustard
Dog collar - Velvet pink
Dog collar - Velvet Olive